A recent report by Forrester Research entitled “Security and the Cloud” has predicted that the cloud security market will grow to $1.5 billion by 2015. The security areas that will be the main focus are data security, identify and access management, application security, and cloud governance. It is expected that organizations will invest in cloud […]
Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing hosting solutions. In order to get the most out of your Cloud, you have to make sure you have a quality cloud provider that provides strong cloud security solutions. It is important to understand how the cloud service works. You need to talk to your cloud provider […]
Energy efficiency has become more than a buzz word in the IT industry. With computers now an indispensable part of business, such an immense amount of energy consumed is a growing concern in a world where the trend is to move towards energy efficiency. Fortunately, the IT industry is responding to the concerns and are […]
Today the benefits of cloud computing are becoming more widely known among enterprise of all sizes. The flexibility and features that come with cloud computing gives enterprise the ability to manage their IT infrastructure in a cost-effective way. Cloud computing involves the distribution of computing capacity across multiple servers. The cloud computing platform supports redundant, […]
A virtual server is a process of splitting a server. Each virtual server can run its own fully functioning operating system, and each server can be separately rebooted. It is a host for multiple OS images on one platform. Server virtualization is an efficient way to save on server hardware costs and management resources. However, […]
More information security analysts are now noting that the speed and ease of deploying virtualized environments has resulted in many IT enterprise shops overlooking security issues. With the ability for enterprises to launch many virtual servers, these security analysts are concerned that IT teams are not addressing security concerns in the virtual environment. They contend […]
In recent years, China’s technology endeavors have grown in leaps and bounds resulting in the country’s rapid growth in IT spending. China is now in the process of building a cloud computing and office center in Langfang near Beijing that will be the size of a city. Expected to be completed in 2016, the complex […]
Protecting and backing up the computer data of a business is vital and should never be ignored. A recently released report by the Aberdeen Group entitled ‘Small and Mid-Sized Organizations Gain Disaster Recovery Advantages Using Cloud Storage’ has revealed that for the most part, companies using public cloud storage are meeting all of their recovery […]
Recent research conducted by IBM revealed that medium-sized firms are hoping to invest in cloud computing this year. The results of the study revealed that “two-thirds of those questioned say that they are either planning or currently deploying cloud-based measures in a bid to improve IT systems management and reduce costs.” The study indicates that […]
An emerging technology, Cloud computing is computing technology that involves data and applications being stored in cyberspace rather than on a physical computer. Tasks are assigned through a combination of connections, software, and service across a network. A recently released study has revealed that more corporations are realizing the benefits of cloud computing and are […]