In the ever-changing world of Information Technology, the one thing that seems to remain the same is security. Red teams vs blue teams, white hats and black hats – by now most of us in IT have heard and seen just about everything there is in the realm of computer and network security. So, those […]
A few key practices that can secure your server The advent of the Internet Age has had a profound effect on how business is conducted. Maintaining an online presence is no longer optional for most companies if they want to stay relevant and competitive. Existing and potential customers use the Internet to make purchases, manage […]
What is a blacklist? At a fundamental level, a blacklist is just a list of IP addresses that have been flagged for engaging in some type of undesired activity. This undesired activity can include email spam, botnet attacks, and several other types of malicious activity. There are numerous blacklists that are compiled and maintained by […]
In today’s security-focused world, securing your website, as well as the server it is running on, is an important and necessary task for any website owner. SSL certificates are on the front line of this defense, serving to secure the connection between your web server and your clients. However, it can be an intimidating concept […]
There was a time when Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks were fairly uncommon and only affected the most high profile websites. Unfortunately, those days are over. In the 21st century, anyone who owns a website should be concerned about DDoS attacks and the consequences they can bring about. So what exactly is a DDoS […]
What are your top 3 priorities when it comes to your website? Design, Content, and UX? Those are all worthy considerations and vital to your website’s appeal. Nonetheless, in an age where digital malcontents are growing ever more inventive and persistent, the answer should be Security, Security, and Security. For websites hosted with dedicated servers, […]
Our team has been laser-focused on security-related topics for National Cyber Security Awareness Month this October. If there is any big takeaway from this exercise, it’s seeing how pervasive cyber security is. Cyber security permeates every layer of technology, every node touched, every person involved — from client, to administrator, to developer, and beyond. […]
Until recently, Linux authentication through a centralized identity service such as IPA, Samba Active Directory, or Microsoft Active Directory was overly complicated. It generally required you to manually join a server or workstation to a company’s domain through a mixture of Samba windbind tools, and kerbose krb5 utilities. These tools are not known for their […]
At the speed that information travels, it’s easy to forget that the Internet is relatively young. With the potential for exponential growth, above all the negative foresight, we can start to see the benefits of the Internet when data is used to progress technology; and humanity as a whole. Cybersecurity projects dedicated to analysis, development, […]
Security experts can only do so much. Imagine the sophisticated systems at global banks, research facilities, and Las Vegas casinos (“Ocean’s Eleven,” anyone?) — an excess of cameras, guards, motion detectors, weight sensors, lasers, and failsafes. But what happens if someone leaves the vault door open? Similarly, server and network security measures can only go […]