When choosing a web hosting provider, it is essential that you understand each type of hosting option so that you can make an informed choice so that you select the best web host that meets your needs. The three most reliable web host choices are shared, VPS, and dedicated web hosting. Below is a helpful […]
Dedicated web hosting is a popular web hosting choice as it provides access to basically unlimited amount of essential server resources such as memory, disk space, and bandwidth. Unlike shared hosting, dedicated web servers are entirely dedicated to a single user and this server is much more powerful and flexible than a single shared server. […]
The earthquake followed by the 30ft tsunami that hit Japan’s North East did not just destroy physical infrastructure, but it also destroyed computer servers and networks. The result was enormous loss of data and the loss of communications. For companies, the loss of their servers along with their records has had a devastating impact. Cloud […]
Due to the increasing number of DDoS attacks, it is vital that businesses implement a diverse number of security measures in order to protect their websites and data from a wide range of security threats. Five ways to protect against DDoS attacks: Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing: Prevention is the key to website security. Vulnerability […]
Many businesses looking for a reliable way to host a website will often managed web hosting because you do not have to be an IT expert to run and manage the dedicated server. As well, managed web hosting comes with beneficial applications and programs that help a business maintain a high performing website. One of […]
Strategy Analytics, a US based market research company, released a report entitled, ‘Are Tablets Set for Enterprise Primetime,’ that revealed “increasing power, range and availability of tablet devices is driving their growth in the workplace.” The increased use of the tablet in business is not only due to the shift to the cloud computing environment, […]
VPS hosting is a popular hosting option as it is one of the most cost efficient options on the market. Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting is a hosting a web server where there is partitioning of the server so that each partition can act as a virtual dedicated server. Each VPS runs its own operating […]
[sg_popup id=”9″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup] Engineered for Flexibility, Reliability and Cost-efficiency Colocation Hosting is one type of server hosting that is well worth considering. Colocation hosting gives businesses an efficient way to host their servers and equipment while improving their business operations, cutting their capital costs, and improving their service levels. About Colocation With Colocation hosting, the […]
When a business uses host managed servers, they will enjoy such benefits and features as: minimizing operational expenses, reducing capital costs, and they have more control of their server infrastructure. Using host managed servers gives enterprise a considerable competitive edge as it allows them focus on other areas of the business. Host Managed Server Applications […]
A Virtual Private Server (VPS) can also be called a VDS or virtual dedicated server because you are getting a similar type of hosting as a dedicated server but it is cheaper. Many small and medium businesses are selecting VPS because they benefit from having a more private type of server than with shared hosting. […]