A successful web site depends on a good web host, however, it is equally important to choose the right type of server. There are a number of server types available with two such server choices are dedicated servers and virtual servers. The basic difference between the two types of servers is with virtual servers you […]
The right managed dedicated server is essential to ensuring that all of your business needs are met. The managed dedicated server you choose should be based on the platform that will provide the best benefit for your site. Most individuals and businesses normally start out on a shared server and then as traffic demands increase, […]
Within the managed hosting industry, there are various types of hosting services available. One such hosting server is Managed Dedicated Server Hosting. This type of managed hosting is chosen when there is higher traffic demands and the business needs a more private solution. With managed dedicated server hosting, the host company provides the setup, installation, […]
For webmasters and web marketers, dedicated server web hosting has become a popular web server choice due to the many benefits that come with the server. Using a dedicated server hosting plan offers a wide variety of advantages allowing a business to take their website to the next level. Dedicated server web hosting gives businesses […]
Developments in server technology that gives businesses the ability to host their websites has now allowed businesses to maintain a high quality and powerful website that meet their needs and changing demands. To effectively compete in the virtual world, a business needs a server that allows flexibility and provides essential features that exist in a […]
Today more enterprise of all sizes and industry are choosing dedicated servers to host their ecommerce websites. A dedicated server is a server that a business leases or rents from a dedicated server host provider. Server Customization With a dedicated server, the business will have control over software configurations and server maintenance. For businesses, a […]
Today, every business requires a fully functioning website that maintains high performance and high availability 24/7 to ensure visitors will always have access to their website. There are many different hosting options available that offer different services and features. For businesses who do not want the hassle of managing their own server or the IT […]
Businesses have the choice of a number of different types of servers. One such server is Managed Dedicated Servers. Managed dedicated servers are servers where a hosting provider manages the server for their client. The hosting provider will perform such tasks as server setup, installation, deployment, security, privacy, and technical support. The hosting provider’s IT […]
Energy efficiency has become more than a buzz word in the IT industry. With computers now an indispensable part of business, such an immense amount of energy consumed is a growing concern in a world where the trend is to move towards energy efficiency. Fortunately, the IT industry is responding to the concerns and are […]
Today the benefits of cloud computing are becoming more widely known among enterprise of all sizes. The flexibility and features that come with cloud computing gives enterprise the ability to manage their IT infrastructure in a cost-effective way. Cloud computing involves the distribution of computing capacity across multiple servers. The cloud computing platform supports redundant, […]